12 Jan 2010

Keeping a dog in a flat

Holding the dog house or apartment, it must have its place. It has to be remote, far away from heating appliances and drafts. Are advised to keep animals bathroom with ceramic floors and a kitchen where food is produced, spreading the various smells and eat family members.
If the dog is an aggressive breed, it must be kept indoors, which excludes strangers. Especially dangerous is a dog store lobby or corridor.
Adult dog's berth may be an old couch, an old couch or armchair. Low drive into the best puppy from the table frame, similar to the desk drawer and blind to the surface or a thick canvas cloth. On the bed I'm not a dog.
Flat kept puppy, and often - and an adult dog to play stubbornly buds, rubber toys, artificial bone, it should be the pursuit and could eat. This is particularly important to dental changes during the period. If puppy not a time you chew, it hit a chair or table legs, door or even window sills.

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